Four Part Example – copy and paste

Step 1 – Report a single situation or event that occurred—an everyday event which led to being worked up. Focus on a brief description of what happened: specifically, what triggered temper and symptoms.

Step 2 – Report the feelings you experienced—both physical and mental. (For instance, angry and fearful thoughts, confusion, palpitations, disturbing impulses, tightness in the chest, lowered feelings, sweaty palms, etc.)

Step 3 – Report “spotting” of fearful and/or angry temper, the Recovery International tools used to help the situation and the self-endorsement for the effort.

Step 4 – Begin with, “Before I had my Recovery International training…. ,” and describe the temperamental reaction and feelings you would have experienced in former days. What would have happened then versus what happened now? This will help to note the progress made.